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global citizenship education in seameo context

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) has been recognized as a crucial component for equipping students with the knowledge, values, skills, and attitudes they need to positively contribute as active and responsible citizens to the realization of a more peaceful, just, inclusive, and sustainable future. This recognition is reflected in the incorporation of GCED into Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Education 2030 in 2015, which is aligned with the objective of SEAMEO Education Agenda No. 7 Adopting a 21st Century Curriculum and the SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2030 Culture Priority Areas for promoting "Peace and Intercultural Understanding" and "Literacy and appreciation in the modern world." Therefore, SEAMEO and UNESCO APCEIU have intensified their efforts to integrate GCED into the education system, notably in SEAMEO Member Countries, encompassing policies, curriculum, teacher education, and student evaluation.


Nonetheless, the realization of SDG 4, particularly Target 4.7, is regarded "too sluggish" (The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020). Without a doubt, the COVID-19 epidemic has reversed educational progress and increased societal concerns like as prejudice, racism, hate speech, and misinformation. In addition, the extraordinary educational and social problems caused by the pandemic have increased the global community's recognition of the need of GCED implementation in tackling the concerns. With fewer than ten years until the end of the SDGs in 2030, greater commitment and action are necessary from all parties to ensure the attainment of the education targets, including GCED.


In light of this, the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) and the SEAMEO Secretariat co-organized a virtual consultation meeting with Southeast Asian nations on GCED. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together important leaders from Southeast Asian nations to provide an update on the implementation of the GCED and explore the difficulties and possibilities on the ground. In addition, participants explored potential areas of collaboration on GCED between Southeast Asian nations, SEAMEO, and APCEIU in order to hasten the achievement of Target 4.7, which is also in line with SEAMEO Priority Areas.


As a follow-up to the 2019 "Sub-Regional Workshop on GCED in Southeast Asia" conducted by APCEIU and SEAMEO, the meeting also acted as a forum for participating Southeast Asian nations to present their current action plans. In addition, by obtaining information about the experiences and best practices of other nations, the meeting undoubtedly boosted the GCED network in the area.

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