why esd and gced?

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers people to change the way they think and work toward a sustainable future, whereas Global Citizenship Education (GCED) helps young people develop the core competencies that enable them to actively engage with the world and contribute to making it a more just and sustainable place. Conceptually, ESD and GCED are distinct but share common components that determine the course of implementation in schools and lifelong learning.

ESD and GCED have been adopted as global education agendas for the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (also known as SDGs or Global Goals), whereas at SEAMEO it is included in Agenda No. 7: Adopting a 21st Century Curriculum.

ESD and gced in seameo context

SEAMEO has long been a driving force in promoting and enhancing collaboration in education, science, and culture to improve the quality of life for Southeast Asians. In the past half-century, the organization has maintained its enviable reputation for developing and delivering high- 

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ESD featured

The role of teachers in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is defined by examining how pre-service and in-service teachers become change agents by acquiring education for sustainable development competency. 

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GCED featured

Global Citizenship Education (GCED) has been recognized as a crucial component for equipping students with the knowledge, values, skills, and attitudes they need to positively contribute as active and responsible citizens to the realization of a more peaceful, just, inclusive, and

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showcase from seameo centres


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